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Schlosskirche Wittenberg

Events Calendar

Christmas concert for organ and trumpet
Tuesday, 26 December 2023,  4:00
Hits : 3982

Wittenberg Castle Church | December 26, 2023 | 4 p.m
Christmas concert for organ and trumpet (instead of Orthodox songs) on Boxing Day

The planned peace service with Orthodox Christmas songs on December 26th. at 4 p.m. in the castle church unfortunately has to be canceled due to illness. But castle church cantor Thomas Herzer cordially invites you to an alternative program with Christmas organ music and the sounds of trumpets. Klaus Vogelsang plays the trumpet. Works from the Baroque period to the present will be heard, including the shepherd's music from J.B. Bach's Christmas Oratorio and parts from the Suite Gothique by Leon Boellmann. Entry is free, but a donation is requested at the exit.

Location Castle Church