October 20th | 10 a.m. | "fides cantat" with the choir of the Dresden University of Church Music
In the series "fides cantat - faith sings", the choir of the Dresden University of Church Music will be performing at the service on October 20th at 10 a.m. in the Wittenberg Castle Church. The focus of the service is the Luther chorale "Now rejoice, dear Christians," which will also be the subject of a song sermon. The choir will sing works by Johann Walter, Anton Bruckner and Hugo Distler. Students from the university will not only be singing the service vocally, but also on the organ. The director is the university's rector Stephan Lennig, and the liturgist and preacher is Pastor Stefan Günther.
The series "fides cantat" is taking place on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the hymnal and will be celebrated with 10 renowned choirs in the churches of Torgau and Wittenberg. "fides cantat" is supported by the Evangelical Wittenberg Foundation.