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Organ point 12

Organ point 12

5rd Sunday after Trinity

5rd Sunday after Trinity

Virtual Tour

Virtual Tour

Events Calendar

Ring Praise Plus!
Sunday, 23 June 2024,  3:00
Hits : 224

Concert for handbell ensemble plus organ, recorder and vocals
23 June | 3 p.m.
Altar and choir room of the Wittenberg Castle Church

Free admission | Collection at the exit

On Sunday, June 23 at 3 p.m., the next concert in the Castle Music series will take place in the Wittenberg Castle Church with the motto "Ring Praise Plus!" Both handbell ensembles of the Castle Church, with a total of 16 people, will play music at the front of the chancel. Visitors to the concert are invited to sit in the church's choir room to not only enjoy an exciting sound experience of the bells, but also to make the playing styles and techniques of handbell playing visible (you can secure a good seat from 2.30 p.m.)!
In addition to works for handbell ensembles, the program also includes works combined with recorder, organ and vocals. There is also an opportunity to get active yourself and sing along to the accompaniment of the handbells and organ.
Handbells are bronze-cast instruments from the USA, where each player in the ensemble plays two to four bells in their hand using different techniques. The chimes, metal rods with a light, floating sound, complement and expand the sound space of the handbells in the concert. Since 2011 we have been happy to play these instruments in the ensemble at the castle church! The musical director is the castle church cantor Sarah Herzer.

Location Castle Church


30 Jun 2024;
10:00 -
Church service with communion
30 Jun 2024;
17:00 -
Musical evening prayer
04 Jul 2024;
12:00 -
organ point 12
05 Jul 2024;
12:00 -
Devotion in English

The statues of the reformers in front of the pillars: There are nine limestone statues created around 1890, depicting Luther and a circle of "German Lutheran" theologians devoted to him. In front of the pillars, as seen from the entrance hall, are: North side: Nikolaus v. Amsdorf, Urbanus Rhegius, Georg Spalatin, Johannes Bugenhagen, Philipp Melanchthon. South side: Caspar Cruciger, Johannes Brenz, Justus Jonas, Martin Luther.

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Construction history

As part of the new construction of Wittenberg Castle (1489-1518), Elector Frederick the Wise of Saxony (r. 1486-1525) had a castle church built from 1496 onwards, which was consecrated in 1503 and completed around 1509. It took up almost the entire north wing of the main castle, which consisted of three wings, and its interior was furnished with works by the most important artists of the period of transition from the Gothic to the Renaissance.