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Organ point 12

Organ point 12

8rd Sunday after Trinity

8rd Sunday after Trinity

Virtual Tour

Virtual Tour

Events Calendar

Concert of the Renaissance Music Festival
Saturday, 28 October 2023,  7:00
Hits : 2675

Angels on our string
25 Years Praetorius Consort: Anniversary Concert | Praetorius Consort Wittenberg & Former Members | Wittenberg court chapel

Saturday | 28.10. | 7 p.m. | Castle Church

If that is not a reason to celebrate! The Praetorius Consort Wittenberg has been playing Renaissance and early Baroque music for 25 years - and is therefore considerably older than most of its current members. The ensemble celebrates its founding anniversary with a celebratory anniversary concert in the Wittenberg Castle Church and presents itself and its audience with the very best birthday present: together with former Consort members and the Wittenberg Court Orchestra as well as with the soprano Julla von Landsberg, the Praetorius Consort is with one of its varied and popular To experience programs always dedicated to song and dance.

The young ensemble, led by musicians from the Wittenberg Court Orchestra, has been part of the program of the Wittenberg Renaissance Music Festival since the first days of the festival. In their concert, the participants maintain the tradition of musical tradition in their own special way: the traditional Wittenberg court orchestra plays together with children and young people from Wittenberg and Bad Schmiedeberg - and passes on their passion for music to the next generation.

Former ensemble members of the Praetorius Consorts Wittenberg who would like to actively participate in this anniversary concert are welcome and are asked to contact the festival management as soon as possible:

Pfaffengasse 6, 06886 Wittenberg
+49 (0) 3491 459620
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ticket price 15 euros/concessions 10 euros

Location Castle Church


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12:00 -
organ point 12
19 Jul 2024;
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Devotion in English
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The altar in the choir, which rises up to 12 m high, is made largely of soft French limestone because of its delicate shapes. On the massive mensa block (altar table) with a top made of red-brown marble there is a carved crucifix (1890 by the Tyrolean woodcarver Demetz) and two heavy brass candlesticks. Behind the mensa rises the tabernacle-like altarpiece, consisting of three high keel arches richly decorated with Gothic style elements, in which three large limestone figures stand.

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